Oxford University 19th (12.00) - 20th (13.00) September 2012
With this stakeholder meeting we
want to bring together leading scientists from the field of marine genomics
with marine policy makers, to discuss how genetic information and analytical
methods can contribute to a cost-efficient monitoring of marine ecosystems. The
workshop will explore the potential of using genomics approaches for reducing
biodiversity loss and maintaining ecosystem services. It will be a unique
opportunity to establish direct interaction between scientists and representatives
of marine policy bodies. The workshop is organized in conjunction with the 14th meeting
of the Genomics Standards Consortium (GSC14).
A selected number of leading scientists will present practical examples of genomics applications in marine ecosystem research and environmental monitoring. In addition, policy representatives will give an overview over crucial knowledge bottlenecks in current marine monitoring programs. An open debate will then take place on the potential benefits and added value of genomics technology for environmental monitoring as well as the practical implications of integrating genomics approaches into monitoring programs.
Topics to be covered will include
Genomics descriptors for good
environmental status (GES)
Biocode projects and metagenetic applications
Problem oriented approaches for surveillance of harbors, invasives, MPA’s, and ballast water
Applications for food web
ecology and trophic interactions
Applications in forenics, fishery control, and tracing of food origins
Analytical pipelines and infrastructure
of genomics with environmental research
Genomic observatory networks and technology outlook