The Potential of Genomics Technology for Marine Monitoring and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)
Travel and VenueTRAVEL Oxford is within easy reach of London's main airports via a regular coach service.
VENUE The MG4U stakeholder meeting will be held in the Department of Zoology main auditorium. Visit this page for maps and public transport information. The venue is only a short walk from the rooms at Balliol College (see Accommodation).
ACCOMMODATION All participants (see participant list) have a room booked at Balliol College in the heart of Oxford. All rooms are en suite singles and all accommodation is covered by MG4U.
INTERNET Wireless internet connections will be available in Zoology. You will receive an individual passcode in your registration package.
WORKSHOP DINNER The dinner will be at the Exeter College Oxford, within walking distance from the venue and the Balliol College. |